S&L Air Conditioning and Heating

#1 Thermostat Repair & Installation Service in Hillandale, MD, with More Than 350 5-Star Reviews

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The thermostat is an essential component of your HVAC system that controls your home’s heating and cooling levels. Thermostats sense ambient temperatures, so they can kick on the AC or furnace when it gets too hot or cold. 

Like any HVAC component, your thermostat can malfunction and affect system performance. When that happens, S&L Air Conditioning and Heating can provide expert thermostat repair in Hillandale, MD. Our skilled team can assist with all thermostat repair and installation issues. 

Thermostat Repair Installation
Thermostat Repair Installation

Thermostat Repair Services

Thermostats are a simple yet ingenious invention for controlling indoor HVAC systems. A small electrical or chemical sensor detects the room temperature and sends a signal to the main processing unit. If the sensed temperature is higher or lower than the settings, the thermostat tells the AC or furnace to turn on to reach the desired temperatures. 

However, broken thermostats can significantly affect HVAC functionality. When your thermostat breaks, you need a professional who can help you get things back to normal.

S&L Air Conditioning and Heating technicians are familiar with all modern thermostat systems. We can use our skills and know-how to fix any thermostat problems that come your way. 

Signs You Need Thermostat Repair

Below are some common thermostat problems for homeowners in Hillandale, MD.

Readings Are Off

Thermostats are supposed to indicate the current temperature and settings. If you notice a mismatch between thermostat readings and the actual temperature, the problem is probably poor calibration.

HVAC Randomly Shuts Off

Since the thermostat controls heating and cooling cycles, one common sign of a faulty thermostat is your HVAC randomly shutting on or off. Malfunctioning components could be causing your thermostat to shut down before the cooling or heating cycle is complete.

Can’t Change Settings

A working thermostat should respond more or less instantly to changes in the settings. A broken thermostat might take a long time to update settings or may not register them at all. If your AC does not immediately kick into gear when you change settings, you may need thermostat repair.

Rising Energy Bills

A miscalibrated thermostat can cause your HVAC to work harder than it needs to. The result is a rising energy bill because your system is using more power. Recalibrating or replacing your thermostat should fix energy consumption problems.

Can’t Maintain Consistent Temperature

One final sign of a broken thermostat is constantly shifting indoor temperatures. Thermostats are supposed to keep settings consistent, but malfunctions may cause them to oscillate between high and low settings, creating temperature imbalances in your home.

Programmable and Smart WiFi Thermostats

The typical thermostat lasts approximately ten years. If your thermostat is older, you should consider replacing it with a new model. Programmable and smart WiFi thermostats provide extra functionality so that you can have precise control over indoor temperatures. 

Programmable thermostats allow you to set routines for your thermostat to cycle automatically through settings during the day. With smart WiFi thermostats, you can integrate HVAC controls and adjust them using your smartphone or other WiFi-connected devices. 

In addition, modern programmable thermostats are more energy-efficient and are better at maintaining consistent performance. Replacing your thermostat with a modern, energy-efficient model can significantly reduce your monthly utility bills. 

Contact Us Today!

S&L Air Conditioning and Heating has been serving Hillandale, MD, for over 20 years. Our dedication to customers and in-depth knowledge of HVAC systems are second to none. Next time you need help with your heating or cooling system, give us a call!

To learn more about our award-winning thermostat repair and installation services, contact us online or call 301-450-7988 to schedule an appointment!