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Why Is My Furnace Humming? What Every Bowie Homeowner Should Know

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why is my furnace humming

Our Bowie HVAC professionals can handle your heating system needs. Contact S&L Air Conditioning and Heating for an estimate!

It’s reasonable to expect your furnace to make a little noise when it turns on. However, any new noises it makes should be cause for concern. If your heating system suddenly emits a loud buzzing sound, you’ll want to know, “Why is my furnace humming?”

S&L Air Conditioning and Heating is a top-rated HVAC company in Bowie, Maryland. Our skilled technicians often provide furnace repair for systems that hum or produce other unusual noises. Here’s what we have to say about why your furnace might hum.

Why Your Furnace Is Making a Humming Noise: 5 Possible Reasons

Though your heating system will likely produce a gentle noise when it runs, it can be concerning when the sounds become inconsistent or unusual.

1. Failing Blower Motor

The most common answer to “Why is my furnace humming?” is a failing or faulty blower motor. The blower pushes air into the furnace before expelling it through the ductwork to circulate through the building.

However, a motor imbalance will shake, causing the furnace to vibrate and emit a loud humming noise. A quick and effective fix to this problem is a screw adjustment to prevent the blower motor from shaking. 

That’s not the only blower motor problem that can create unusual sounds. The component could also have worn bearings that make a humming or grinding noise. A failing blower motor with an amperage problem will also generate loud sounds when the motor slows. 

2. Problem with the Furnace’s Transformer

Your furnace relies on a transformer to take the electricity from your home’s power source and turn it into the appropriate voltage to safely operate your heating unit. If the transformer stops working, the system will emit humming sounds because the blower motor isn’t getting enough power.  

3. Restricted Airflow

Airflow problems can develop in the furnace and the ductwork. Air ducts consist of thin sheet metal that can wear down over time. As it wears down, the metal and its seams become looser. If your ductwork is more pliable and you hear a buzzing noise, you’re probably hearing air escape through the sheet metal, causing it to vibrate loudly.

You could also hear the noise if your air ducts have a dust and debris buildup that restricts how much air can pass through them. The sound comes from air pushing past the blockage. 

Unfortunately, blocked or restricted ductwork will force the furnace to overheat. Since the heat from the furnace can’t easily flow through the ductwork and vents, it will settle around the heating system. This problem will worsen the heating unit’s performance and create a fire hazard.

4. Age

Even if your furnace seems to have fully functional components, it might produce a strange buzzing noise because of its age. The closer heating systems get to the end of their lifespan, the more noise they can make. Though some sounds come from natural wear and tear, other noises can indicate a furnace problem. 

Any time you hear a strange noise from your furnace, you should contact a qualified HVAC technician to quickly identify and fix the problem. Regarding age, furnace replacement may be best. 

5. Faulty Capacitor

A furnace capacitor stores electricity, which it uses to start the blower motor when the furnace turns on. When the thermostat triggers the heating system to start, the capacitor sends the stored electricity to the blower motor. 

When a capacitor stops working correctly and can no longer send that burst of electricity to the motor, the blower motor makes a noticeable humming sound. The sound might resemble the noise the motor makes when it tries to start, with a click as the electricity passes from the capacitor to the motor. The furnace won’t work without a functional blower motor, so a failing capacitor is a major problem. 

Unfortunately, you can’t repair a furnace capacitor. You must contact an HVAC professional to replace it. 

Get Immediate Furnace Repair From Bowie’s Top HVAC Professionals

Still wondering, “Why is my furnace humming?” Don’t hesitate to contact S&L Air Conditioning and Heating for a detailed inspection and furnace repair. Our team members have years of industry experience and a commitment to provide affordable comprehensive HVAC services to Bowie, Maryland residents. Our team offers professionalism, written guarantees, and reliable heating and cooling repairs. No job is too big for us, even if your furnace won’t turn on or makes unusual noises. Call S&L Air Conditioning and Heating today at (301) 307-2581 to book your appointment. 

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